Spare parts hypermarket
The notion "Spare parts hypermarket” means possibility to purchase a wide range of spare parts at reasonable prices at one place and with maximal number of additional services. It substantially simplifies spare parts and utilities purchase process. We supply spare parts not only to the whole range of mach inery that we sell, but also to other mach inery.
Our assortment includ es more than 100.000 articles and consists of:
- spare parts for tractors and agricultural machinery;
- spare parts for building and municipal machinery;
- spare parts for automotive machinery, engines.
Minsk Tractor Plant (trade mark BELARUS, concern “Tractor Plants" (trade marks "Chetra" and “Agromash"), Volgograd tractor plant, Cheliabinsk Tractor Plant, Kharkov Tractor Plant, Minsk Automobile Plant (trade mark MAZ), Bobruiskagromash, Gomselmash - these are only few names of machinery producers, spare parts to which we supply in full volume.
There are more than 200 enterprises-manufacturers of original spare parts in our list, among which: Minsk Tractor Plant, Minsk Motor Plant, Minsk Automobile Plan, Yaroslavl Motor Plant, Bobrujsk Spare Parts Plant, Vitebsk Plant of tractor Spare Parts, Romensky plant "Tractorzapchast", Minsk CogWheel Plant, Gomel Plant of Starters, Jubana, Gidroprivod, Hydrosila, Belshina, Orenburg Radiator, Radiovolna, Gomelstaklo, Dozator-plus, Motordetal, Belcard, TAiM, and others.